Friday, July 29, 2011

Dé hAoine Tá go maith!

Roselady over at Diapeepees started Good Fridays...
a day to reflect on the 'good' of the week, no D allowed!  
De' hAoine Ta' go maith!...Friday is good!
Irish this week!

1.  Bug rocked the Dentist.  Bug had a dentist appointment this week and she totally rocked it!  She sat in the chair, leaned back, opened her mouth, and let the dentist count her teeth and the assistant clean them...and she only bit her once, on accident! ;)  Other than her teeth being close together and thus braces will be in her future, everything looked great!

2.  Ubergeek has gone fishin'.  Part of this is good....the part where Ubergeek gets to hangout with some of his buddies from work and celebrate a wedding and, let's not forget, bring home some yummy salmon!!  Part of it's not so good...he left Wednesday evening and will be back, I think, Sunday. While I'm not minding the 'one less person to take care of,' I'm kinda lonely and am missing him! 

3.  Three Dollar Shoes.  So, Bean announces yesterday when getting in the car after day camp that she will be wearing brown tomorrow and needs new brown shoes because hers are too tight.  Sure, it's getting close to time to go school shoe shopping and sure, I know she's grown a lot in the past few months and sure, I verified that the brown shoes were indeed too tight, BUT I was not planning to do any shoe shopping until next week or the next.  
  Well, a coupon did come in the mail so I figured why not go and see what they had...she was going to need the shoes soon enough and I wasn't really in the mood to go home, so off we went.  They didn't have ANY school shoes in yet...not sure what the deal is since all of the stores around town have had school supplies out for a week!'s what we ended up with:

  Brown Sandals for Bean and Pink Shoes for Bug...can't get just one of them a pair!!  And, the best part?  They were both on sale for only $3!!!  Can't beat that!


  1. $3 shoes are awesome! they are so cute! Emma already has a major shoe thing at 7 yrs old..Miss Fashionista :o) High Fives to Bug for doing great at the dentist. And I hope Ubergeek catches lots of salmon and hurries home soon!

  2. WoHooo on the shoes. is hoping for a GREAT CATCH! Love Salmon!

  3. Anthony left for Geogia yesterday to visit some frinds. Look like we are both on our own this weekend :)

    LOVE it when I find cute shoes on sale :)

  4. Cute Bug pic. Shoe sale = SWEET!!! :)

  5. Gotta love $3 shoes! I need to take my kids shopping for school supplies and shoes today... I'm not looking forward to it.

  6. Niiiiiiice find on the shoes! And, I can totally appreciate the $3 score since I have seen the prices of things in Alaska. So shopping with you next time we come up. WalMart, perhaps?! ;)

  7. Wow love the pink shoes...
    And, dentists have come a long way baby. Kids get star treatment nowadays...


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