Monday, July 25, 2011

Oh My Silly Girls!

So, you all know Bug.  The ridiculous blue-eyed three year old Bug.  The one who says silly things like "I Love Grams!" and "I can SO go to camp 'cuz  I have diabetes, too!" (no, she couldn't because no she doesn't!)

Well, add another to the list....

Yesterday, Udergeek took the girls to church because I woke up with a KILLER headache.  He also took them to lunch after so I could have some more quiet...yeah, he's awesome like that.  Well, when they got home, Bean asked if she could have a cookie...yes, one of those yummy cookies...and asked Ubergeek if she had dosed for it with her lunch...something I usually do when I know she'll be having dessert at home as soon as we get there.  (wow, I'm liking those ... today, huh?)  When he said 'no' she hdan't dosed, she of course wanted to know if she could have one anyway and I told her she could wait just a bit and have it for snack.
Well, Bug, not one to miss out on a cookie, came up to me and said, "Can I have a cookie.  I dosed for it!"

showing off a new birthday dress

The other day I had to run to the grocery store and Bean wanted to come along.  Now, I usually reserve trips to the store when Ubergeek is home for some 'me time' so my answer is almost always 'no' when the girls ask if they can come.
Well, this time I told Bean she could come along...guess I was feeling nice that day!! ;)
Can't remember why in the world we were on the clothing side of the store, but we were and of course Bean made a bee-line for the glittery they know how to market to 7 year olds!!  No purchases were made, but she insisted on me taking a picture of her!!

Oh, and yes, when those hats go on sale I SOO plan to get it for her...just too cute not to!! ;)


  1. ADORABLE! I have quite a few pics of Emma in stores modeling some glittery stuff myself...lolol. Our girls would get along great i think!

  2. What girl in the single digits can resist pink sparkly?

  3. Love your little Bug...she sounds like she'd get along great with my 4 year old! And adorable pic of Bean too :)

  4. They are both SO stinkin' cute! I kinda like me some glittery pink too! : )

  5. Love that she told you she "dosed" for her cookie! I wrote down your recipe for your yummy cookies...and of course hubby started a diet...may have to bake them anyway. :) Your pics are way too cute!!!

  6. I miss the days when my kids were cute. They are more sassy and tweeny now :/

  7. So adorable. I love your little kidlets, they are precious!

  8. Lovely kids, totally understand the glam and glitter with my five girls. And the things they say, totally heart warming!!!

  9. I dosed, too. Can I have a cookie?

    Sweetness. The dresses, the hat and those girls of yours are pure sweetness.


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