Saturday, May 18, 2013

DBW ~ Diabetes Wild Kingdom Wildcard

yep, running a day late on this's been a crazy week and I got the wonderful cold that all my students seem to it when they share!!

Pulling the Wildcard today...
What is the ideal diabetes service animal? Think beyond the obvious and be creative in explaining why your choice is a good one. For example, maybe a seal would make a good service animal - it flaps its flippers and barks every time you get a good blood sugar reading! 

We joked the other day that Bug was Bean's Diabetes Service Monkey when she rushed to the pantry to get her a juice because she said she felt low.

But, the more I thought about it, the more having a monkey for a service animal makes sense.  And, no, it's not just because I've always wanted a monkey!!

Think about it...a monkey would be great!

They can be taught to use sign language so they could give detailed information about what's going on.

They can scamper up and down shelves to retrieve any and all D supplies.

They could open the straw wrapper on the apple juice box in the middle of the night.

They could go around the house and pick up all those crazy test strips that the vacuum cleaner refuses to pick up!

Yep, totally wanting a monkey even more right now! ;)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

DBW ~ Accomplishments Big and Small

Today's Topic:
We don’t always realize it, but each one of us had come a long way since diabetes first came into our life. It doesn't matter if it’s been 5 weeks, 5 years or 50 years, you've done something outstanding diabetes-wise. So today let’s share the greatest accomplishment you've made in terms of dealing with your (or your loved one’s) diabetes. No accomplishment is too big or too small - think about self-acceptance, something you've mastered (pump / exercise / diet / etc.), making a tough care decision (finding a new endo or support group / choosing to use or not use a technology / etc.). 

I'm sitting here, trying to think of some accomplishment that's worth typing about.  

Something monumental.  

Something BIG.

But, I'm coming up with nothing.  Nada.  Zilch.

Honest, everyday is an accomplishment on some level.

Were Bean's over night numbers steady and in a good, safe range?  Accomplishment!

Did I prebolus and temp basal at the right time and in the right amount so that her breakfast didn't send her BG through the roof and keep her there for the duration of the morning?  Accomplishment!

Did she go through her morning at school without crashing....or if I was a bit aggressive with the breakfast insulin did she feel her low and have an apple juice?  Accomplishment!

Did Bean remember to test her BG before recess and have her designated snack if she was below our set 'safe number' of 140?  Accomplishment!

Did Bean test and dose for lunch, even though it means she starts eating later than her classmates?  Accomplishment!

Was Bean's afternoon at school productive because her BGs were in range or if she spike for some strange reason from lunch, did she feel that high and correct?  Accomplishment!

Was I able to provide a dinner for my family that no one complained too much about, calculated or SWAGed carbs correctly, and didn't scream too much?  Accomplishment!

If it was pod change or CGM sensor change night, did we work as a team and get it done...either by one of us helping her or doing it all for her or Bean doing it all herself, depending on her mood?  Accomplishment!

Did I remember to bring up the PDM and CGM receiver on the first trip upstairs to bed so I didn't have to trudge down and up again once I finally drag myself to bed?  Accomplishment!

Once the alarms on my phone are set, did I wake up to at least one of the three so I could test Bean's BG in the middle of the night...or if I happened to sleep through them, woke up shortly there after....or woke up when the CGM alerted?  Accomplishment!

Everyday, there are things that we do (and Bean does) to help keep her safe, healthy, and alive.  Each one of those things is, in and of itself, an accomplishment because I've heard way too many stories of T1s who don't take care of themselves and I don't want those 'bad things' to happen to Bean.

I need to remember that even the routine things are truly accomplishments because no matter how normal they are to us, they AREN'T NORMAL!  And getting them done, day in and day out, is an accomplishment...each and every time!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

DBW ~ We, The Undersigned

Today's Topic:
Recently various petitions have been circulating the Diabetes Online Community, so today let’s pretend to write our own. Tell us who you would write the petition to – a person, an organization, even an object (animate or inanimate) - get creative!! What are you trying to change and what have you experienced that makes you want this change?

I would like to petition germs.

It seems to me like a reasonable request for them to stay away from not only Bean, but our whole family.

We have been fortunate since Bean's dx almost three years ago (holy cow!) that she is a very healthy kiddo. I could count on one hand, and probably have a couple of fingers left over, the times she's been sick.  Sure, the 'little colds' last way longer for her and can make her BGs wonky, but we've never had to go to the ER or use glucagon (regular or mini-doses).

However, that doesn't mean that every time I hear that there's something going around school or Bug brings something home or I start feeling not so great I get anxious that Bean is going to catch whatever 'it' is and get it ten times worse because of D.

So, I think that all T1s and their families (or whom ever they are closest with and spend the most time with) should be allowed a lifetime pass on any and all germs.

If that means I have to take a pill everyday, so be it.
If I have to have a shot, so be seems only fair that it might take a shot to help me protect Bean who will have to deal with shots in some shape, form, or fashion for the rest of her life or until a cure is found.
If I have to give up chocolate....well, that would be harder, but I'd gladly do it if that means I never, ever have to worry about Bean getting sick or catching something from one of us.

So, germs. hear my plea.  Name your terms and we will start negotiations.  The only thing I want in return is a guarantee that you will leave all T1s and their families alone!  We all have enough to deal with without you mucking things up!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

DBW ~ Share and Don't Share

It's that time again....Diabetes Blog Week!!  So excited to be participating I'm hoping it gets me back in touch with my blog and, in turn, with all the blogs I love, and some new ones I'm sure I'll find!!

Thanks, Karen, for putting this together for the fourth year!!

Today's topic is:
Often our health care team only sees us for about 15 minutes several times a year, and they might not have a sense of what our lives are really like. Today, let’s pretend our medical team is reading our blogs. What do you wish they could see about your and/or your loved one's daily life with diabetes? On the other hand, what do you hope they don't see?

I happen to know that Bean's medical team does visit my blog from time to time and I love that they do!

This is my place to vent, rant, complain, rejoice, commiserate, and connect.  So, do I think about the fact that  Bean's FNP or CDE might read something less than favorable about a BG high or low...not really.  Well, maybe sometimes.  Does it affect what I write, not at all.

What's awesome about Bean's medical team is that I feel like I can be real with them and not worry about being judged....I do that enough myself! ;)  Yes, they will tell me 'like it is' but in a way that a friend would so you know it's coming from a helpful place and not a 'I know better than you because I have this medical degree' way.

I feel like we are truly a team, working together to help fight this crappy disease together to help Bean be as healthy as possible.