Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wordless Wednesday ~ Focus


  1. love this...she is such a good multi-tasker like my Emma...:o) wanted to let you know to that we got our bracelet from lauren's hope in the mail yesterday! I kept it as a surprise for Emma and she LOVED it!! Told her I won it from an amazing friend's blog who also has a little girl her age with D and Emma asked me if Bean could come over to play sometime :o) so cute!

  2. Ha! is so "normal" to first I thought nothing of the blood sugar check part. (((HUGS))) to you and the fam Denise.

  3. Our kids can test anywhere and any time!! Love that little pinky sticking out! :)

  4. *Love* And it's PiNK! : ) We have some gray and blue. No pink : ( She is such a cutie, Denise!

  5. OMG! Its so true. Reuben often doesnt take his eyes off the tv, he will just hold out a finger or toe for me to wipe and test! Love wordless wednesday, great picture.

  6. Awww. :) It really gets me when they hold out a finger in their sleep. Great picture!


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