Saturday, August 4, 2012

Second Annual Diabetic Ice Cream Social

Today we participated in the Second Annual Diabetic Ice Cream Social.  Check out their page on the facebook here.

Just for the record, we totally don't need a reason to enjoy ice cream or frozen yogurt around here.  But, it's always nice to have a reason! ;)

We opted for our local froyo place just because it's so much fun to pick your flavor, fill your cup, then sprinkle with toppings, cover with whipped cream, and drizzle with syrup and sprinkles.

Bean's concoction of the day was: chocolate-vanilla swirl with Oreo cookies, topped with whipped cream and drizzled with Nutella.  Yeah, it was totally bolus-worthy!!

Hope you enjoyed some ice cream today...and any other day you want to!!  Because, yes, she CAN eat that!!


  1. We had ice cream! Topped with gummies & reeses minis. Didn't even now we were participating!

  2. I think the ice cream social is great for kids but I stay away from that kind of stuff. Bean looks adorable!


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