Friday, August 5, 2011

Biyernes ay mabuti!

Roselady over at Diapeepees started Good Fridays...
a day to reflect on the 'good' of the week, no D allowed!  
Biyernes ay mabuti!...Friday is good!
Filipino this week!

1.  The Sun Came Back!  It's been a cloudy, rainy, overcast week.  But today, the sun came back!  And with the clouds gone, the mountains are back, too!  Just one of the things I love about living in Alaska!

on the drive to pick up Bean from the last day of day-camp

2. Girly Toenails.  What's more fun than painting toenails?  Painting little girl toenails, of course!!

counterclockwise: Bug, Bean, Me

3.  New Crayons.  There's just something about a new box of crayons that is just plain wonderful.  And with the arrival of school supplies, they were on sale for a quarter so I can have my own box!!  (Yes, I enjoy coloring...wanna make something of it?!? Huh, do ya?!?)

and yes, I'm also a crayon snob...MUST be Crayola


  1. Crayons really are so very special when you open them for the first time. Great inclusion.

  2. Ahhh I love the picture of the mountains! I lived in Oregon for 5 years and I totally miss them...Ontario is pretty flat...:o( and I LOVE coloring!! It is so relaxing!!

  3. Funny, Joe asked me yesterday..."Mom, crayola is the biggest crayon company, right?"

    "Why yes JOE!"...I think. It has to be right?

    Great list. Enjoy the sunshine girl.

  4. Love those new crayons too and I think coloring can be quite therepeutic!

  5. I *LOVE* Crayola! We went to Binney, Pennsylvania to learn more about them two years ago-they are totally the best. And totally non-toxic..they said you can eat them! hahaha, but you shouldn't. ; )
    The view is absolutely amazing-I can see why you love it! : )

  6. I didn't know you live in Alaska! That is so cool. We would LOVE to go there one day.

  7. PS My parents are in Alaska right now. Looking at antlers, glaciers and driftwood. I think they are in Hope...


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