Friday, July 22, 2011

Vandredi se yon bon bagay!

Roselady over at Diapeepees started Good Fridays...
a day to reflect on the 'good' of the week, no D allowed!  
Vandredi se yon bon bagay!...Friday is good!
Haitian Creole this week!

1.  Laughing and Friends.  Last night, Ubergeek and I had the opportunity to not only get out of the house without the girls, but spent the evening laughing and visiting with friends.
     First stop was a Tim Hawkins comedy concert at our church.  O.M.stinkingGoodGravy!!!  I cannot tell you the last time I laughed so hard!  He was hilarious.  Seriously, give yourself like an hour and go to youtube and pick anything, anything...just make sure you've gone to the bathroom or you might just pee in your pants!!
     Second stop was having dinner with friends after the show.  It was great having the chance to sit and talk with a couple that we kinda know, but haven't really had the opportunity to really connect with.  (yeah, I know I shouldn't end the sentence with 'with' but it just sounds so snobby to say 'had the opportunity with which to connect.')  I had to text the babysitter (yep, had to pay for one because the grandparents are out of state!) to let her know we would be later than was that fun!

2.  Parents Who Make Things Possible.  Not going into details, just want to give a shout out to my mother and Ubergeek's parents who make things possible for us and our girls from time to time.  LOVE YOU!!

3.  BUG'S BIRTHDAY.  On this day, in 2008, at 7:02pm, Bug entered this world.  
     Interesting little tidbit...she was born with low blood sugar.  Ubergeek had the nurse double check with me while I was still on the C-section table about it being OK for them to give her formula (I'm a breastfeeding mama) to get her blood sugar up.  It only took a few hours for her to be back to 'normal' and she's been fine ever since.
     She's recently conquered the potty and is moving on to the rest of the world soon! Watch out for those blue eyes!!! ;)

early celebration last weekend with the grandparents
before they headed out...I made the cupcakes
and they were super yummy, if I do say so myself!

actual 'birthday-day' celebration today
I was going to make a cake, but she spotted these
cupcakes at Costco and HAD to have them!
NOT as yummy, if I do say so myself!!

Bean wanted to sing Happy Birthday to her 
sister while 'playing' her guitar.
It was, um, beautiful...yeah, that's what I'm going with!

Made it with an hour and 19 minutes still in 'Friday', yeah!! ;)  It's been a BUSY day!!


  1. Awww...Happy Birthday to BUG!!! She is amazingly adorable.

    The night out sounded fantastic.

    Have a wonderful w/e Denise!

  2. Happy birthday Bug!!

  3. Happy birthday to your wee little bug, she's adorable!

  4. aww Bug is a girl after my own heart with the cupcakes! Happy Birthday to her and high fives on mastering the potty training girl! Glad to hear you and Ubergeek had a nice evening out too...totally deserved! :o)

  5. Happy birthday to Bug! The photos are super cute. Have a fun rest of your weekend!

  6. Love the photos! Happy Birthday to cute little Bug!!! Glad you got to have some fun with hubs, sounds like you two had a blast!

  7. Happy birthday to the cutest little ashy-butt I know!!!! How sweat of Bean to sing to her. Awwwwww.


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