Friday, May 20, 2011

Joining the "Good Fridays" Fun!

Roselady over at Diapeepees started Good Fridays...a day to reflect on the 'good' of the week, no D allowed!  

I've been wanting to join in on the "Good Fridays" fun for  a while.  Today seems like a great time to start since I'm at a total loss on what to blog after my song has created such a hub-bub. ;)

1.  My ticket is booked to go to my nephew's graduation!!  I get to go hang out with my sister, her family, and my mother all by myself for six days!  Totally excited about being able to be there for my nephew (his ultrasound pictures were on the wall of my college freshman dorm room and I quit my summer job a couple of weeks early because they didn't want to give me any time off after he was born) but I'm a little anxious about leaving Ubergeek in charge for that long!!

2.  SCHOOL IS OUT!!  OK, so I'm not totally convinced that's a 'good' thing because Bean and Bug aren't the best about getting along for longer than about 15 minutes, BUT it does mean we don't have to be up and out of the house by 7:55am and that is a 'good' thing!  I was still in bed snoozing when Bean came in at 8:04 to let me know she was awake...lovely!

3.  The sun rose today at 5 this morning and won't go down until almost 11 tonight!  Love, love, love our long days of sunlight!!  With that sunshine has come leaves on trees, green grass, and little green shoots coming up in the flower bed.  Sure, it's almost the end of May and my crocuses are just showing up, but whatever!

Happy Friday, everyone! :)


  1. Wonderful! Yay for Happy News! I think I'm going to join in the "Good Friday" fun too!

  2. I LOVE Good Fridays!!! Glad to see you in the loop of participating with the really cool kids ;). And, light until 11pm??? How on earth do you get your kiddos to bed?

  3. @Amy...
    Black out shades, baby!! That and the mantra that the sun doesn't determine the time, the clock does! A lesson every Alaskan has to the summer and winter!!

  4. Have a great time with your family when you celebrate your nephew's graduation!

    Our last day of school is Tuesday, and I can not wait to sleep later!

    When I lived back east, seeing the crocuses pop up was the signal that warmer, longer days of sunshine were on their way. You should post a picture of your crocuses. I bet they're beautiful. :)

  5. YAY!! I hope you have a fantastic visit with your family and enjoy your time!! I could totally get so much more things done with the sun hanging around till 11pm these

  6. I love school holidays. A break in that routinised grind is a God send.

  7. :) We still have another month of school! Happy BREAK to you and yours Denise.

  8. Just another week of school for us. Then this homeschool mom becomes a gardener. Glad you're out, too -- fun all around. Have fun on your little vaca...everyone needs a break and to be around loved ones!

  9. Love you new profile pic! Makes me smile :)


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